Introduction for New Members
The idea behind LETS is a system where people can trade without needing money to keep the score.
In North Devon, poverty is rife and people find they cannot afford to buy the things they need, or sell their services because their customers cannot afford to pay. LETS solves this by allowing people to keep track of what they spend and earn as part of the community. Here are 12 key points about it works:
1. Not for profit exchange network
2. It's free to join and use
3. Goods and services can be traded without the need for money
4. We use an interest free local currency – MERTS
5. Use your skills, the only limit is your imagination
6. Your wants will be met by others skills
7. The cost is your time and expertise
8. If you wonder what you can contribute talk to one of the members
9. Helps a wide cross-section of the community
10. Saves money and resources, extends purchasing power
11. Provides social contact, reduces isolation and increases fun
12. Supports local enterprise
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